Applied Research Consortium

February 18, 2022

Education and Materiality

ARC Fellow: Noor Awad
Degree Program: Master of Architecture
Faculty Advisor: Rob Peña, Architecture
Firm: Mithun
Firm Advisors: JoAnn Wilcox, Craig Curtis and Rachel Himes
Project dates: Autumn 2021 – Spring 2022

Read the Project Plan
Read the Final Report
Watch the Presentation

More about the project:

How can mass timber support children development, curriculum, learning outcomes, long term student success, and student resiliency? 

The majority of the built environment is designed for adults and explored in relation to the experience of adults. Though this is the case, it is important to recognize that the built environment significantly impacts children’s mental and psychological wellbeing. The physical buildings in which they spend their time shape their perception of the world, affect their mental health, contribute to their development, and impact their ability to learn. Given this, and the amount of time that children spend in schools, it is important to explore the impact of the architecture of schools. The final report will include design strategies and serve as a call to action for superintendents.